Wow it has been a long time since we have posted here, and I am truly sorry about that. But the honest truth is, it seems like everyone I know is on facebook, or twitter and since I mostly put pictures here I have been using that for doing the same thing.
Wow it has been a long time since I have posted in here. We have been super busy this summer, I mean like SUPER busy. Will try to update this more once things quiet down a bit.
Did I mention it is almost football season? :)
Just thought I would update this after our walk. First I would just like to thank everyone who donated, and everyone who walked with us yesterday. It was hot, but we had a great time for a great cause. I think our total donations were $675! That is great! We had a team goal of $500 and we met that and then some. I know how hard it is these tough economic times for everyone to spare some extra cash to donate to a cause that might not effect them personally, but you have no idea how much it means to me and my family. One day there will be a cure, maybe not in my lifetime, but I certainly hope it will be.
Here are a few pictures from yesterday.
And just for a fun here is a video of Gillie dancing to Go Diego Go!
Gillie singing you to sleep :)
She is really into singing songs these days, which is good because both Heather and I love music, might have to break out Rock Band soon and have her play :) Things have been going well with our little family. Gillie is adjusting to daycare, although I don't think mommy is yet, ;). We have been super busy this month with visitors, swim classes and just normal family stuff.
I will be doing the annual Crohn's walk here again this year, and hope to sign up for it this weekend, I would have last weekend, but it was a very emotional draining weekend...see previous post. As soon as I sign up, I will post here, facebook and on know, so if you want to donate, or join us :)
Well all for now, have a good night.
Today my friend lost his little boy to an illness that has lasted for over a year. I am deeply saddened by this, because he was so young, and because I am a father. A few years ago I had another co-worker lose his child to an illness and I was very sad. This time it is much different because I did not know then what it was to love a child and give up everything for them. Now I do, and it breaks my heart to see them going through this. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, and cherish your family, because you never know when that opportunity will be gone.
Gillie watching Mickey on the Mini with her new headphones. Got the headphones for our Seattle trip and she is testing them out.
I am trying to get Heather to do a write up, since I am not really feeling like writing, so in the mean time, please enjoy these pictures.
These are from our trip to the NC Life and Science Museum yesterday.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.