

This is a piece of pineapple that Gillie took from her plate after dinner. After I took this I proceeded to chase her around the house yelling, "eat it or I am taking it." followed by her normal response, "NO!" I almost caught her and told her again to eat it, as she said "NO!" she threw it behind her and ran away. This was in the hallway near the garage door for reference. I picked up the pineapple, threw it underhand towards the sink, it hit the faucet and bounced into the cup we use to fill up Kona's water dish. No lie....it was about 15 feet, and no way could I have done it again. Here is a pic to show where it hit and where it landed. :)
This view is pretty much where I was standing. Was anyone near me when I did it? Only Gillie, and she didn't really care.... :)

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