POTD, Wed Jan 16th, 2008

Wow, two posts in as many days. Sal and Kellie have really influenced me :)
Here is a new Night Light we just got for Bean's Room

In case anyone was wondering, we call the baby Bean because Heather and I do not know the sex, so instead of calling it "it" we call him/her Bean.
Bean's room is done in Zanzibar, no Sal not because of the Halo2 map. ;) We liked this one the best because of the animals. Heather and I was big animal fans. We love the Zoo and Aquariums, so this was a good fit, and Heather would not let me do a Patriots, Red Sox, Hurricanes room....maybe later. :) The plan is for us to go to the Zoo and take some picture of the animals on the design and I will print and frame them to put in the baby room. I was going to go on Monday, but some of the exhibits are closed. Maybe after Bean is born....
I shot this with my new Tamron 28-75 f/2.8. It is truly a remarkable lens. I shoot everything in RAW then post process with Lightroom and CS3. I like working with RAW because I decide what I like, and I make the image look the way I want it, and not the way the camera sees it. It may take me a longer time to get the results I want, but sometimes it is worth it.

Took my 3rd injection of Humira today. I feel ok, but it does slow me down for the night. So off to do some reading, and then to bed.
Until next time.....


Kellie said...

Love the night light and the theme. I think pics of the animals will be GREAT for the nursery.

I used to have the Tamron lens you have. I miss the f 2.8! I love small areas of focus, as you can tell. lol My new lens is awesome, though, so I'll get back to a lower f-stop eventually. lol

I really hope your meds do well for you. I have kept up with that through Sal. I'll be praying for you.

Unknown said...

This the best lens I own. My next one is going to be a Nikkor 70-200 f/2.8 VR, but that is going to have to wait until the little one is doing more activities...so maybe in 4 years :) What lens do you use now? It seems very nice.

Kellie said...

I have the EFS 17-85mm Canon lens. Just got it last fall and have loved it. My Tamron was bought when I still used my 35mm film camera and it didn't give me a wide angle for photos. I couldn't keep them all so I traded it in for the new one. I am now going to start looking into micro lenses. I want to do more close-up work. lol

Believe me... when that little one gets here you will be doing allll kinds of photos. I can't believe how many I have done of the twins. lol