Happy New Year!

So after reading Sal's Blog pretty much everyday, I have decided this new year to try and update this Blog a little bit more then before, so here goes....
Last night I had my second round of Humira. I let the meds warm up to room temperature, and it still stung a bit going in, but not as bad as before. A lot of people who are going to respond to these meds see a big improvement in the next two weeks, so hopefully it will happen that way for me too.

Heather is doing well, and we are both getting nervous and excited about little "Bean" coming into our lives in the next couple of months. I am still so excited about being a Dad, but at the same time I am nervous as hell. Since there is no instruction manual that comes with the baby, I think we will try to just make sure the values that our parents have taught us are taught to this child, and raise him/her right. Respect your parents and everyone else. To many kids today I see just don't care about anything. I see that as a problem. I never talked back to my parents and I listened to them. Sure I had a "phase" but it did not last very long. I think based on how my parents raised me and my sister, if I can teach 1/10 of that to my child, he/she will be alright.

We had a wonderful time with my family over the holidays. It is so nice to see them, since we don't get to very often. My sister and I got my Mom and Dad a digital picture frame. Now we can email pictures to them and Mom can put them on the frame the same day. They both loved that. We also got Heather's Mom a digital camera, her brother went in on it with us. She loved it. We had a great Christmas, and next year will be even better.

My Patriots are 16-0. This is the first time a team has gone undefeated in the regular season in a long time, but it means nothing if they don't go 19-0.
Well I guess that is all I can think about for today. Maybe some more later one.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Casey - to make an injection sting less, once the needle is in, try pushing the liquid in more slowly. Sometimes this really helps.