Post of the Day-Bean's Room

Here are some pictures of Bean's Room. It is pretty much all finished.
Bean's Room 2

This Crib my Grandfather made when my niece was born. She used it, my nephew used it, and Bean will use it. It is very special to Heather and I that we are able to use this. It means so much more to us then a store bought crib, and I think is much nicer then anything you can buy in the store. We also have a cradle that my Grandfather made for my sister. This cradle is almost 34 years old, and has seen a lot of babies. I will have to ask my Mom how many exactly but it has been a few.
Bean's Crib

This is grand central changing area.....I really don't want to spend a lot of time here, but I know I am going to :)
Bean's Dresser

There is something strange about this room now. When I go in, I just feel happy. I think i could spend all day in this room now. Maybe it is because I know in a few short weeks my son or daughter will be here, maybe because it is just a peaceful room. Whatever reason, I am glad the room is set up the way we want it, and that is one less thing we have to worry about until Bean is here.

Might take tomorrow off with the Blog since I put up three images today ;)
Think I am going to go see Cloverfield and go skating tomorrow on my day off.
Well off to get ready for the Pats game, yes I know it is 11:30.....I have to get psyched up you know. :)
Have a wonderful day.


Kellie said...

Awww.. I LOVE the baby's room!! Y'all did such a nice job with it. Baby rooms definitely make you happy. I remember feeling that when we had the twins' room ready. Can't believe that has been 8 years ago, though.

The crib is BEAUTIFUL and what a treasure. Your grandfather did a wonderful job with it. You'll have to do some creative shots of "bean" in the cradle, too.

Enjoy the game today. I'll be watching... sortof. lol

Sal Cartusciello said...

Great room. Great crib. The two of you did a great job. It really looks nice.

BTW, you will have an indentation in your mid-sction from leaning against the changing table so much. :-)

Anonymous said...

I guess I need to start posting here so you know that I am reading this everyonce in awhile. Love the room, and no matter what they tell you, the diaper caddy will stink no matter what you do, so change that bad harold OFTEN!

Sal Cartusciello said...

Jeeps is right. We used it, but kept plenty of Lysol in the area.

Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your blog and noticed the crib. Please remove the stuffed animals and anything portable from your crib. I have seen too many deaths involving things that should have not been in the cribs. Most parents said they didnt think anything could happen because the baby is too small, but trust me it does happen, I have seen the devestating outcome. Sorry to put a damper on things. But beautiful decor.