
Hi there! It's Heather. Casey had to work yesterday and today at Circuit City, so I'm attempting to post on the blog today. Mind you, Casey's instructions were to post a video on the blog, so we'll see how this goes. I have a difficult time posting pictures on here and have never attempted a video so I'm not sure if it will work out or not. I will try my best!

We had a very low-key weekend. Casey did not have to work on Saturday, so we ended up running errands mostly that day. Gillian tried out her new car seat and seemed to like it. We went out to lunch, and Gillian sat in a high chair at the restaurant for the first time. She did great, and seemed to enjoy it. Of course, nothing can be left on the table within reach or it's fair game. It goes straight into the mouth! Casey had to work most of the day yesterday and again today. Gillie had a little play date yesterday with her friend, Emma. Aunt Karlee and cousin Katie also came over to play a little bit yesterday. Today, Gillie and I visited the neighbors for a bit, and then went to meet Casey for dinner. So, it was a pretty laid back, relaxing weekend. Gillie and I definitely missed Casey, though! I think the other "girls" missed him, too. Reesie (the cat) has been attached to him when he gets home!

Okay, so on to the video. It's Gillie eating green beans for the first time. Aunt Karlee gave them to her, and is so talented that she can feed Gillie and video tape at the same time!! Gillie loved the green beans. We've decided her new nickname is "Gillie Green Bean." :) She sure enjoyed them! I'll try to post the video now so you can see.

Gillie Green Bean from Casey Gavette on Vimeo.

Hope that you all had a lovely holiday weekend!


Kellie said...

You did great posting, Heather!! :) Gillie Green Bean... how perfect. She just gets cuter and cuter. I am glad she likes her some green beans. Sounds like y'all had a great weekend. I know y'all miss Casey, though. I'll have to find him at work some day and "harass" him. lol (I wouldn't REALLY do that... lol)

Anonymous said...

Gee that Aunt Karlee sure is talented!! Great job there Nanny! I can't believe how much Gillie Green Bean has changed just since DC. Her face looks so much older, her hair is longer, and redder??? She so much more gregarious! Of course we didn't give her much down time in DC, did we? Kar thanks for sharing. Those candid moments are priceless!